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Home  ThetaHealing Medical Intuition & Remote Viewing For Animals
Veronica d' Rose Essential Products Jin Shin Jyutsu Reiki Resources



  • About Veronica
  • Healing Sessions & Appointments
  • Training / Classes & Registration
  • Essential Products
  • How To Contact Me
  • What Some Have Said

  •      I sincerely and lovingly give thanks to the Source-of-All-That-Is for the wonderful modalities, and / or “tools”, I have available, with which to assist myself and others in life and with healing.

         As a Spiritual Counselor, I have been assisting others with their personal transformation for almost 30 years. I first became a Practitioner in the healing arts in the latter part of the 1980’s when, having been guided through my own, major, life transformation, I prayed to be shown my “Divine Calling”, for this life experience.  Words about "assisting others with their transformation" literally “jumped” off the page of a book I was reading and, before I realized it, I was studying new and deeper levels of energy / metaphysics, and Vibrational Medicine through the use of color and sound, as well as, gem / stone frequencies for healing.  Soon after, I left a lucrative lifestyle in the corporate / financial world.  Subsequently, I was “shown” by Source the wonderful, subtle world of healing with Reiki.  Three years later, during the summer, I was shown I would become a Reiki Master by the end of that same year, and the following December I was initiated as a Reiki Master/Teacher.

         During that same year, Source brought me information about the subtle, yet powerful, healing modalities of both essential oils and flower, plant and gem essences, including but not limited to, Bach Flower Remedies– and I was, as they say, “hooked”.

         In November of 1998 Source brought me information on a class about DNA Activation techniques with Judy Dragon, who had learned them earlier in the year from a woman named Vianna Stibal. This was a prerequisite for a class that Vianna would be teaching in the future, called “Gene Replacement” and, well, I absolutely had to be there!  By March of 1999 I had become both a Practitioner and Teacher of ThetaHealing, and had also begun hosting Vianna’s classes in Santa Rosa, California.  Subsequently, I became certified to teach both Basic and  Advanced ThetaHealing at some of Vianna’s earliest Teacher-Certification classes, in 2000 and 2003, respectively.

         During that same period of time a long-time client and friend introduced me to the very-important subtly of the body’s pulse, together with a wonderful modality called Regenesis, and also told me about Jin Shin Jyutsu.  Around the same time, my friend and co-teacher of ThetaHealing and I began trading sessions of Reiki for Jin Shin Jyutsu, as she was already a student and practitioner of the latter modality, and I was introduced me to the wonders of the experience of Jin Shin Jyutsu which, by coincidence (well, now, isn't that a joke!), also works with the body’s pulse.

         For many years I had ended my Trancendental Meditation™ sessions with the affirmation that, “I am always in the right place at the right time for my highest good!”, and I know that my efforts to program my subconscious worked because, in retrospect, I see how Source has been guiding me to be living my “Divine Calling” ever since I asked!

         For my clients who are ready to change unsupportive patterns of "being" - including their beliefs about their health and wealth - I am able to provide a wide spectrum of experience from which to work, together with wonderful tools - tools that are efficient and appropriate to the task.

         The ThetaHealing techniques resonate with the awareness of the incredibly-healing, Unconditional-Love frequencies.  It is from this place of understanding, that I view my purpose for being on the planet at this reality-shifting time, as the "cutting edge" of being of service to others.  Incorporating this work has provided me the opportunity to greatly enhance the life-affirming process of transformation for my clients, friends and family members.

         I feel honored to be able to offer my services to you, on your own personal path of transformation.

    Veronica d' Rose
    M.I., R.M., Minister ~


                                - Rabindranath Tagore (1861 – 1941)  


    - Yoda, Star Wars


         Healing sessions are given "in person", as well as, "long distance" - using "Remote Viewing" / healing techniques, and remote sessions are prepaid. Inquiries about appointments - or classes / training - are welcome. Phone calls are paid for by the client.

         For new clients who e-mail with inquiries, the Web Site has a great deal of information about this work, as well as who I am - please refer to it first for a broad-based understanding.


         Session appointments are pre-scheduled and are available Monday through Friday, beginning at 10:30 a.m., with the last appointment of the day at 4:30 p.m. - please note times are Pacific Time. Week-end appointments are by special arrangement.  Appointments can be made on-line. A $9 charge is added for after-hour or weekend appointments.


         Last-minute cancellations can cause hardships for many clients.  In order to avoid a $35.00 fee please notify me 48 hours in advance, so that I may offer that session time to another who is in need and waiting.  Your consideration in this matter is very much appreciated.  Thank you.  Veronica -

    All Healing Sessions can be provided in person OR remotely -
    for humans AND animals*:

         ThetaHealing Sessions:  a one-hour session (which provides a reduced rate for DNA Activation) is $71.00; a 30-minute Mini Session is $44.00; a 15-minute Check Up is $26.00.
         For more information about ThetaHealing techniques - including Medical Intuition, Remote Viewing and Four-Level Belief Work - as well as their many uses, including both Animal Communication and Healing, please refer to the page on ThetaHealing.

         DNA Healing Sessions:  Activation process includes a Chakra balancing, together with a Mini Session (by way of the healing frequency of Unconditional  Love being run through every cell of the body), is $71.00 (and is reduced to $35.00 if the DNA is activated in conjunction WITH a one-hour Theta-Healing session). (*Please note: no DNA activation is offered for animals.)
         For more information about DNA Activation, please refer to the information on DNA Healing.

         Animal Communication/Healing Sessions:   As animals are extremely sensitive to energy/healing work, they require less time, and a session of up to a 30 minutes is $44.00; a 15-minute Check Up is $26.00.
         For more information about my communication and healing work with animals, please refer to my page, For Animals.

         Jin Shin Jyutsu Sessions:  
              For humans, these relaxing, yet revitalizing sessions are given fully clothed; appointments last 60 - 70 minutes, are scheduled between 10:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., and are $71.00 on weekdays, and $80.00 on weekends
              For Animals, while the sessions are also both relaxing and revitalizing, clients need wear only their coats;  a session of up to 30 minutes is $44.00; a 15-minute Check Up is $26.00.
         For more information about my Jin Shin Jyutsu work with animals, please refer to Jin Shin Jyutsu Sessions, Jin Shin Jyutsu For Animals and / or my page on Animal Communication and Healing, For Animals.

         Reiki Sessions:
              For humans, these amazingly-rejuvenating and healing sessions are given fully clothed; appointments last 60 - 70 minutes, are scheduled between 10:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., and are $71.00 on weekdays, and $80.00 on weekends

               For Animals, while the sessions are also rejuvenating and healing, clients need wear only their coats;  a session of up to 30 minutes is $44.00; a 15-minute Check Up is $26.00.
         For more information about my Jin Shin Jyutsu work with animals, please refer to Reiki Sessions, Reiki For Animals and / or my page on Animal Communication and Healing, For Animals.

    All Training / Classes are provided in person:

         ThetaHealing-Basic DNA: The (3)-Day-Weekend Classes include the Student Manual, Vianna Stibal's book, "ThetaHealing", as well as a Practitioner's Certificate of Completion.  For more information about the "Early- Bird"-Registration Discount, Deposits / Tuition, Scholarships and class content, please see ThetaHealing Classes.
         For more information about ThetaHealing techniques - including DNA Activation, Medical Intuition and Remote Viewing - as well as their many uses, including both Animal Communication and Healing, please refer to the ThetaHealing, Medical Intuition & Remote Viewing and/or For Animals pages.

         Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help Classes:  Tuition for each Series, of either (4) Sunday afternoons or (3) consecutive Tuesday & Thursday evenings, includes practice and complete coverage of all of the material presented in Mary Burmeister's Self-Help books, "Introducing Jin Shin Jyutsu Is" (Books I - III), and a Certificate of Completion. For more information about the "Early-Bird"-Registration Discount, Deposits / Tuition, Scholarships and class content, please see Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help Classes.
         For more information about the benefits of Jin Shin Jyutsu, including its awareness and history, refer to the Jin Shin Jyutsu page.

         Reiki Training:  Each Level of Initiation includes deeper and deeper levels of  Reiki Attunements, together with either a Student Manual  and/or the appropriate Symbols, as well as a Certificate of  Achievement.  Available Initiation/ Attunement Levels are:
          1st Degree - Level includes a Student Manual, containing the History of  Reiki, discussion / training / practice and Certificate of  Achievement.
          2nd Degree - Level includes a Student Manual, the Reiki Remote / Long-Distance Symbols, discussion of their uses / training / practice and Certificate of  Achievement.
           3rd Degree - Level includes a Student Manual, the Reiki Master  Empowerment Symbol, discussion / review of other expressions of the Master, training / practice and  Certificate  of  Achievement.
           Master / Teacher - Training includes a Student Manual, discussion / review of steps used in providing Students Level-appropriate Attunements and Master / Teacher Certificate of Achievement.

         For more information about appointment setting, deposits and Scholarships, please see Reiki Training

    These Essential Products are provided
    either in person OR by mail:


         Astral Bach:  The Custom formulation of Bach Flower Remedies, based on the very-specific, and most-significant influences of each individual's Natal Astrological Chart, are available in 2 oz., amber-colored tincture bottles, for $20.00.  For more specific information please see Astral Bach with Bach Flower Remedies.

         Channeled Sprays:  These are the remarkable sprays channeled by way of my Guardian Angel, Dolores.  Over the period of time between 1996 - 1998, I received the specific formulae for these colorful sprays of flower essences - blended with the highest-quality essential oils - which dance together to create a vibratory "tone" that, when misted, change both one's electrical field, as well as one's experience! You'll love the way the subtle frequencies of the essences of flowers from around the world - infused by the sun into the purest of water - keep your electrical field connected and strong, while the gentle aromatic blends of therapeutic-grade essential oils stimulate your olfactory gland with scents, "remembered" from other times - $20.00 for 2 oz.  For more specific information please see Channeled Sprays.


    Veronica d' Rose
    Healing Hearts
    (707) 568-0767
    465 Stony Point Rd., #138
    Santa Rosa, California 95401

         "Veronica is an amazing theta healing practitioner with intuitive abilities to match. She has helped me through a difficult period in my life and gave me hope where there was none. Her connection with source is so pure and results in clear and concise feedback and answers to my questions from the creator. I feel so blessed to have met such a wonderful woman who has a passion to help others and a kind, warm heart. I not only view her as terrific healer but a mentor whose words of wisdom are cherished. Thanks for everything Veronica."
                                                                                                - Ryan Doherty, N. Ireland

         "I recently contacted Veronica because I was about to leave on a cruise, and for some time I had been unable to locate certain items of value I had received when my Mother passed away, last year. We talked again the next day, after she used her Theta skills on the situation, and the information she provided led me right to them. I was able to leave the next day on my trip, with great relief, knowing they were secure, and that I had nothing to worry about."
                                                                                        - Darlyne A., Sacramento, Calif.

         "Veronica is a true healer and, obviously, loves what she does. After receiving Reiki from her I experienced a renewed ability to enjoy life. I now feel much more at peace - more balanced and harmonious."
                                                                                   - Georgia Griffin, Santa Rosa, Calif.

         "I contacted Veronica Rose through Vianna Stibal's web site when looking for Certified DNA Activation Practitioner. The DNA activation was done at a distance for me and was a wonderful confirmation in trusting my heart. Since that time, I have re-opened more fully and more completely to Divine Guidance and right there beside me has been Veronica. Answering my many questions and assisting to understand the process, how to continue on with unfolding my unique path. Using Theta Healing has enriched my life immensely and I thank Veronica for her supportive teaching methods that have honored my soul and my connection to God. She is a true treasure and all who come in contact with her are blessed. You can rest assured that Veronica is the highest form of teacher of Theta Healing and DNA Activation techniques."
                                                                                      - Gwen Mangum, Sun City, Calif.

         "I have worked with Veronica Rose for years, primarily receiving Reiki from her. I have experienced her as having very clear energy. As a Reiki practitioner, her sessions are very powerful tools for health, relaxation and transformation. Recently, however, I additionally studied with her for the Theta/DNA Activation training. She is a very compassionate individual and, as a teacher, I found that her clear energy allowed her to guide the workshop, as well as lead the interactive practice, in a way that was well communicated, extremely patient and non judgmental."
                                                                                                        - A. Stout, Cotati, Calif.

         "I first met Veronica at a small fair in Northern California. When she worked on me it was evident she had accurate gifts and skills. She saw meaningful pictures in my energy field and I felt highly energized and clear after the session."
                                                                                          - D. Mandel, Santa Rosa, Calif.

         "My life was changed in so many ways by the Activation of my DNA by Veronica Rose. I was literally taken off a self-destructive mode and put on a path to self-love and more enlightenment. It re-routed my body chemistry and pre-paved my body to hold greater amounts of higher vibrations of light and, ever since, I experience greater access to the higher mind. I am so grateful."
                                                                                         - S. Richman, Santa Rosa, Calif.

         "Veronica is a practitioner par excellence! Her enthusiasm, caring and multi-faceted studies facilitate optimum "healing" opportunity. She is a gifted intuitive counselor and energy "healer". Her skill with Reiki and Jin Shin Jyutsu has frequently afforded relief for me from both fibromyalgia and structural imbalance. Veronica's help toward pain relief and rapid recovery from total hip replacement surgery was miraculous!"
                                                                                                - Sarah J., San Diego, Calif.

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